
Let's talk about how we can help you achieve the superpower of silence

We speak English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Hungarian and Catalan

We look forward to hearing from you and tailoring our solutions to meet your acoustic needs

We look forward to hearing from you and tailoring our solutions to meet your acoustic needs

Fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Headquarters Spain

    Studiobricks S.L.
    Pol. Ind. La Serra,
    C/ Segarra, 1
    08185 Lliรงร  de Vall
    Barcelona, Espaรฑa

    +34 93 8437459
    Visits by appointment only

    Studiobricks Germany

    Studiobricks GmbH
    Ursulum 12
    35396 GieรŸen,

    F +49 641 35098930
    M +49 1579 2301290
    Showroom visits by appointment

    Studiobricks USA

    Studiobricks Inc.
    New York

    T +1 609 541 8885
    T +1 917 517 3841

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