Sound Isolation booth: Experience the tranquility and concentration at your workspace

Working in noisy spaces is uncomfortable, as well as harmful. During the day, we invest many hours working, and we are exposed to a great abount of sounds, which can interfere with our peace of mind.Therefore, being in an environment full of sound stimuli can cause stress, anxiety and lack of concentration, which are counterproductive to work performance, health and overall wellness. 

Did you know that excessive noise is one of the causes that generates the most anxiety among workers? According to studies compiled by the newspaper El País, around 29% of workers feel anxious due to excessive noise. This reason is even higher than other factors that cause stress, such as pressure from the boss (22%), tight deadlines (18%) or conflicts with colleagues (13%).

The International Labor Organization emphazies the importance of addressing the problem of noise at the workplace, since in the long term, loud and excessive sounds can cause permanent auditory damage. Reducing noise at workspaces is more than necessary, since, in the end, it will bring improvements to the health and performance of workers. Quiet spaces bring significant benefits, such as increased concentration and less stress.

Opting for a soundproof booth is the best solution to reduce the stress caused by excessive noise at work. Since these soundproofing spaces are ideal for privacy and keeping distractions away from our workspace.

Soundproof booths are intended for situations where sound emission control is required, be it in a factory, office or conference room. Do you want to know more about the advantages of soundproof booths? Read on and find out why you need one.

Reduce noise easily

As we have mentioned before, the main benefit of soundproof booths is that it reduces any type of noise that comes from outside, allowing workers to concentrate more, resulting in more productivity at work.

Do you have a meeting in a conference room and it is not possible to move forward due to excessive noise? In the bustle of the day, the rush and the conversations in the office, noise pollution is generated, which on many occasions interrupts work and concentration.Soundproof booths are the best alternative, as they are available in multiple designs and styles that fit in any type of space and address multiple needs. You just have to go through our catalog and discover all the models that we offert, which vary in design and size.

Easy and fast assembly

One of the great benefits of sound isolation booths is that they are easy to install, so they can be easily adapted to any type of place, whether they are small or large offices.

We know that on many occasions, places are reduced, for this reason, the Hola booth is the one for this type of situation. Its design and dimensions make it suitable for restricted places, resulting in a space for calls and video conferences where noise is not an obstacle, transforming this area into a flexible office.

Soundproof your workspace

In short, working in comfortable and quiet spaces, increases work performance. However, in this modern and industrialized world it is almost impossible to ignore all the noises and stimuli that come from outside, be it phone calls, cell phone messages or the sound that is generated in the office, with which we cannot concentrate. In addition, in the long run, these noises, which are initially annoying, will cause collateral damages to our health, whether it be long-term auditory problems, anxiety, or chronic stress.

Now that you know more about soundproof booths and all their benefits, what are you waiting for to incorporate them into your office design? If you are looking for a booth that is easy to assemble, configured to your needs and with a good design, this is your opportunity. Check Studiobricks models on our website and don’t forget to visit our blog to learn everything about Studiobricks.

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