Why should you choose Studiobricks?

There are quite a few portable recording solutions available in the market. You can find portable sound booths that are big and more costly, as well as smaller and cheaper solutions. Of course, the most important question remains, what do you use your audio booth for and what is your budget.

We at Studiobricks want to bring you the best performing sound isolation solution on the market, so we made sure to provide the best performance in all aspects.

A sound isolation booth can be used to record voice, instruments or to create foley sound recordings, but also the isolation aspect of our booths is used many times to create discrete communication opportunities in workspaces, co-working spaces or open plan offices. .

Studiobricks offers both, a premium portable acoustic isolation booth combined with our new Eco acoustic treatment technology, which will soon be available for purchasing separately.

Today we want to discuss the different aspects to consider when choosing your acoustic booth solution.

The biggest difference between Studiobricks and other modular booths in the market is our patented brick system that allows for you to assemble and disassemble the booth however many times you need without affecting its performance. Our tongue-and-groove system does not need screws, which in ordinary solutions make bigger holes every time you assemble and disassemble the booth, affecting its performance.

The main feature of a sound isolation enclosure is of course the grade of absorption and isolation as well as the minimization of reverberation and resonation. Let’s say you have an important sales call and you want to have absolute silence in the back or you want to record your saxophone from home without bothering the neighbors – for these use cases we recommend our triple-wall booths to give you the highest level of isolation.

If you are in the voice over business for instance, a very dry recording is needed in order to treat the sound accordingly in the audio post production process. In this case the acoustic treatment of the room is crucial, to have the least reverberation, room modes and resonation of lower frequencies affecting your recording.

On the other hand, flexibility might be of importance to you. What size of acoustic isolation booth do you need? How flexible are the booth dimensions and does the sound booth fit in your space? How complicated is the assembly and disassembly and what happens if you want to move to a new house? Do you need to mount a screen and would you want a desk? Do you want to record sitting, standing or maybe both? How would you mount the microphone and where do you place your script?

Next in line is the comfort of the space. How do you feel in your sound isolation recording booth? Is there sufficient lightning and can you dim it? Is the airflow sufficient and is the ventilation system silent enough not to affect your recordings? Does the acoustic booth provide nice aesthetics when you have a call with an important client? When you are recording yourself, your instrument or when you are having an important meeting – do you feel absolutely amazing to capture and transmit this feeling while working in the enclosure?

At Studiobricks we want to provide you with only the best solutions. This counts for our modular recording studio booths as well as for our isolation material. The material used to reduce reverberation as well as to control resonances and isolation to the outside, has recently been updated with our very own developed technology, which uses recycled PET and is 20% more effective. This material is being used in the absorber panels as well as inside our bricks’ walls, which are available in a two and three-layer version for maximal effectivity.

All of our acoustic booths are completely customizable in terms of size, color and interior – so you can modify it specifically for your own taste, need and space. Further more, our modular approach gives you the option to easily assemble and disassemble our products. Moving to a different space will be an easy task with Studiobricks.

We offer accessories such as a professional tone arm for the microphone, a script-holder and screen mount, a desk, several lighting options and you can even customize the color. Our booths provide the perfect all in one sound isolation solution to have an uninterrupted meeting, a smooth pitch or to get the maximum best feeling when performing your song, voice-over or call with your potential new client – all in silence, with a natural smooth and dry sound and with a great visual appearance.

As you can see there are various aspects you need to consider when choosing your recording studio booth solution. The same counts for Studiobricks when we develop our products, which we are constantly improving. This development leads to an elite sound isolation booth, scalable and with slick aesthetics. While the technical performance is absolutely priority, the visual aspect should not be underestimated. The environment you work in and how you feel in it is crucial to achieve the best performance.

Contact us if you would like to quote a booth or if you have any questions.

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