Studiobricks portable sound isolation booths

In many situations we need quiet places where we can perform different activities without interruptions. Sometimes it is difficult to find those places of peace and quiet where sound is not a concern. We are not only talking about tasks related to the music or audiovisual production industry but about many others in which a noise isolation booth can be a useful option to increase the quality of work.

Studiobricks’s booths are completely hermetic spaces in which people will find silence and tranquility for the task or activity they are doing. Its use can vary, from a booth to see patients in an audiology health center or even a resting booth to take naps in places with high noise pollution.

Initially, sound isolation booths met needs related to music and sound production. The creator of Studiobricks portable booths, for example, created the first version for saxophone rehearsal and the need he had for a quiet place with good acoustics, that would not disturb the neighbors and family members.

Although the idea remains the same: to have quiet spaces that provide privacy and isolate noise both from inside and outside the booth, now its uses have become so diverse that almost any industry or activity in which there are difficulties with noise can benefit from a custom sound isolation booth and solve those specific challenges. Such is the case of companies that have noisy machinery inside their facilities and isolate the sound by placing the equipment inside a booth, generating a healthier and more pleasant work environment.

Perhaps, one of the advantages that makes Studiobricks sound isolation booths different and striking is their ability to adapt to different spaces, depending on the user’s needs. These sound isolation booths are designed with a patented tongue-and-groove that allow all the pieces to fit tightly, ensuring the quality of the sound isolation experience inside. The engineering and design of these sound insulation booths not only offers quality but also comfort, the same system allows for easy assembling and disassembling without losing sound isolation performance.

This feature is not a mere fact, since the booths become even more attractive for people or companies that are looking for temporary spaces, as is the case of trade shows. For example, at a music trade show there are multiple instruments that the visitors want to try. With a sound isolation booth from Studiobricks you will be able to provide the user, and potential buyer, a quiet space in which they can test the instruments in silence even in with loud surroundings.

With the rise of digital technologies and the growth of audiovisual content generators, it has become almost an obligation to offer technical and creation processes that are at the same level as the formats of large content production companies. In this regard, many podcast creators, voice over actors or radio journalists have opted for noise isolation booths as an optimal workplace whether they are in their homes or offices.

Another advantage of Studiobricks sound isolation booths is that their innovative design optimizes spaces and adapts to almost anywhere. For example, content creators can locate their sound isolation booth in a corner of their home without disturbing the family’s activities. Health professionals can install a booth in a small space and perform audiometry, spirometry, or sleep tests.

If you want more information about Studiobricks sound isolation booths go to to find all the options that we have available to improve the quality and productivity of your services.

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