How to get new clients for your voice over business?

In recent years voiceover acting has become an important alternative for many artists who want to work from home on digital projects that are constantly increasing thanks to the rise of the streaming platforms. These initiatives require voices for characters for movies, series, podcasts, commercials, video games, among other products in which the voiceover is vital to achieve high quality productions. 

Currently, many people are considering venturing into this sector. As in any business, the question is not only how to set it up, but how to get new voice over clients?

That is precisely the subject of this blog post, so if you have your voice over business or want to start taking your first steps in creating content, pay attention to these recommendations so that your business continues to grow and to male it easier to reach new customers. 

To start a business of any kind, it is important to make the decision to start producing material that makes it easier to get known. For this, it is essential to prepare demos in which the quality of the audio are at a professional level. 

In this sense, it is essential to have adequate recording tools to guarantee the quality requirements of production companies or clients who, in general, ask for high quality results that are compatible with the demands of digital platforms. 

Once you have some demos recorded and ready to send, you can try to get contacts with friends, colleagues or acquaintances in the audiovisual industry, usually this way you can find your first voice-over job that serves as the starting point of a career.

The audiovisual creation industry generally requires voice over services for the projects that are coming out to keep offering new content, that is why there is a continuous search for talent that keeps the productions fresh and current. 

One of the most effective methods to get new voice over clients is by submitting your profile to websites where production companies and other potential clients post open calls to which voiceovers can apply from home. This form of recruitment is a perfect way to connect with audiovisual production companies that have specific needs and are looking for creative and innovative proposals.

There are several websites in which announcers and clients can meet, in this range of possibilities there are options for all cases. Some platforms charge a monthly or annual subscription, this is the case of, a site that has a subscription of US$499 to obtain a premium account. There are other options for sites specializing in slightly lower priced voice-over offers, which can be adjusted to the needs of voiceovers who are starting out, such is the case of where the premium account is US$100, annually.

Obviously, there are also sites that are free and are the initial option of those artists who prefer to invest first in the purchase of recording and production materials such as microphones, sound consoles or soundproof booths, which are fundamental spaces to professionalize voiceover work. . Among the free platforms are or that allow the use of all functions without limitations.

At the beginning of a voiceover business, the priority of the creators should be to improve their production processes to acquire a professional quality that will allow them to gain a pro reputation and that will attract recommendations by audiovisual companies with whom they have worked before. Like in most industries, the voice acting niche is not an exception, and word of mouth is still the number one way of getting new clients that will come to you thanks to a recommendation from a previous client that recognizes the quality of your work, meeting deadlines and the quality of your recording tools.

Without a doubt, acquiring high-quality production tools such as professional microphones or a sound isolation booth are essential to getting new clients and professional projects.

If you want to know more information about everything related to the ideal sound insulation booths to install in your home, we recommend you explore the Studiobricks website by entering here.

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