We were part of Orgatec 2022!


The last week of October, 45,000 trade show  visitors from 130 countries visited in Cologne, Germany, to attend one of the most important trade shows of the  office forniture insdustry, Orgatec.

Attendees were able to see and try out the latest innovations and developments in the world of office furniture. They also had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and information with manufacturers and suppliers of these products.

Studiobricks,  took this opportunity to showcase new products that will be launched this month; Including our newest special editions Flexi Rack Edition for construction sites, Media Edition for recordinng content in the office environment; and Video Call Edition for high-end video-calls

The jewel of the crown was our new booth, the 8 seater. The attendees were able to enjoy its ample comfort when working inside. They were also able to see for themselves the high quality with which we work in terms of soundproofing and the state-of-the-arts acoustics of our products.

We are grateful to have been part of the select group of Orgatec expositors and to have been to have received so much interest and positivie feedback.

We were also inspired to share the importance of the concept of New Work, and how Studiobricks and acoustics play  play a key role in the design of human centric spaces that foster productive and fulfilling work.. We opened the door for great conversations around this topic hoping to spark thought-provink discussions, and innovation in this arena. We now and are committed to creating spaces where people can create at their highest potential.

In case you missed it, or want to relive it again, here is a video of our days in Cologne. Enjoy it!

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