Studiobricks is excited to announce the launch of the Eco Sound Isolation Booth Line

We are firm believers in the circular economy!

From the very beginning of Studiobricks we have aimed for a light environmental footprint, but we knew we could do even better. And we won’t stop innovating and reducing our footprint, as we continue to improve.

The process consists of collecting existing waste, such as plastic and jeans, and turning it back into raw materials for new sound isolation panels and wall absorbers.  

We are thrilled to announce that we have improved the materials of our acoustic insulation and absorbers. From now on, all our booths will be constructed with recycled foam made of upholstery residues and recycled denim as wall insulation. Additionally, and probably the part that we are more excited about is our new line of acoustic absorbers for the music and recording booths made from and recycled PET.

In recognition of our efforts, we have recently been awarded the Ecovadis certification for sustainable performance. They also awarded us with the bronze medal, which means that Studiobricks is among the first 24 companies qualified by Ecovadis Ecovadis in the Furniture Manufacturing sector.

Better materials

We have been perfecting our sound control technology for over 10 years. From the get go we have chosen sustainable high-performance materials and provided two-way sound isolation. In an effort to better our promise, we have spent the past two years experimenting with new production methods to avoid the use of foam and virgin materials.

These experiments have led to the creation of our Eco sound absorption walls and acoustic panels. All of our booths are now made with absorption materials designed and produced by us. Protecting Earth’s resources by design with durable lower impact alternatives.

We have transformed thousands of single-use plastic containers into our signature sound isolation panels. And we’ve kept thousands of ocean-bound marine plastic out of waterways by using it to create our long lasting acoustic materials. Eliminating the use of virgin materials and avoiding harmful waste and landfill.

By deciding to be active participants of the “circular economy” where products reaching their end of life are renewed as sound isolation materials, rather than discarded, we are also contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases, limiting energy consumption and  the nasty side-effects of landfills, which sometimes leak dangerous products into the environment. 

The Eco Sound Isolation Panels Line

For sound absorption we have created the Eco 45 made of recycled PET. These absorbers provide the highest performance in the market, reducing reverb time thanks to its 45 mm thickness and its 25 kg / m3 density. These are the absorbers that we use to dress all the booths in our music and production line. 

Our new bass trap, Corner BTrap PET3060 has a revolutionary design of solid 100% PET with a density of 25 kg / m3, the same recycled material as the Eco45 panel. With two thicknesses of 30 and 40 cm to absorb the lower frequency range. It offers both state of the art absorption and has a beautiful design. 

We have also created new absorbers for the ceiling, the EcoTex line. Each model has its own EcoTex absorbent composed of a layer of felt and a composite of repurposed cotton fibers from denim and recycled PET. 

For bigger sound production spaces we now offer the Eco Btrap and the Eco BBand. The Eco BtrapIt’s our bass trap especially designed for the absorption of low range of frequencies. And the  Eco BBand is our solution for broadband absorption. Both are made of a wood lacquered frame, filled with foam made out of recycled materials and finished with our Eco45 recycled PET absorbers. The perfect solution for sound design studios. 

Finally, we have the Studiobricks Smart panels, modules for reflection and diffusion. All in one! You have the option of placing them separately or together, in line or at different heights to get the exact reflection you need, for your unique sound. If what you need is diffusion, angle them

inwards or outwards as it best suits your sound.

Ever since we started Studiobricks, we have been committed to continuing the quest for design and innovation improvements. This promise is not only related to the clean lines and slick look of our booths, but also to the performance, quality and sustainability of our materials. The Eco line of absorbers is part of these constant efforts.

We hope you enjoy the improvements in our design. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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