How does our Eco Line help our sound booths perform better than ever?

At Studiobricks, we aim to create the best performing modular studio system, providing the highest quality portable recording booth for your music and instrument recordings, voice recording, and office environments.

Moreover, this year we are starting to offer the absorbers used in our booths made of recycling materials. From the get go we have been committed to continuing to reduce our environmental footprint.

Our portable sound isolation booths are both modular and scalable. Meaning, flexible regarding size, and easy to assemble and disassemble. This is the result of our patented modular brick system. Our recording booths are made out of wooden bricks, like a big puzzle, available in a double-layered wall isolation system as well as a triple-layer wall isolation system, to achieve the highest isolation possible.

As our experts at Studiobricks are constantly working on the improvement and innovation of our recording booths, we recently started approaching one of the basic but most important components making our sound isolation booths as soundproof as possible – the filling material inside of our wall components as well as the isolation elements used inside of the booth.

Every recording booth needs to have acoustic isolation as well as reverberation reduction over the whole frequency spectrum – here the dampening and isolation filling material are key for a great acoustic performance. While the isolation inside of the walls of our recording booth helps strongly reduce noises entering your recordings or affecting meetings from the environment outside of the booth and vice versa – keeping the sound inside of the booth from reaching the outside environment, the acoustic panels inside of the studio bricks help reduce reverberation, reflections of sound and room modes, which basically are overlays of reflections, that can lead to strong resonations, depending on the position inside of the recording cabin.

There are several options to produce the filling material and absorber units, but a lot of times the acoustic dampening and isolation materials are made of plastic and thus contribute on a large scale to the pollution of the environment and our planet. This was reason enough for us to decide to develop our own production of acoustic treatment panels as well as filling material.

Since most of our Studiobricks components are made out of wood, we decided to update our recording booths with our very own technology, allowing recycled PET to be used to manufacture not only the acoustic filling of our studio cabin brick walls but also for all acoustic treatment elements used inside of the booths. As our brick technology allows us to be completely flexible in both directions, it is used in every single one of our recording booths, and this counts for the absorber elements as well.

When deciding not only to produce our recording cabins but also manufacture the acoustic elements in our factories, we decided to go for the ecological approach, while improving acoustics as well.

When optimizing the production and form of these new acoustic elements, the new approach of creating our new Eco Line qualified not only for the Ecovadis 2021 Bronze certification for sustainability but also for ISO 14001, a standard regulating the environmental management system, as well as ISO 9001, which rates our quality management.

We are proud to continue to improve our product in multiple aspects: ecological sustainability, quality as well as performance – and the clean aesthetics that have always differentiated us.

We are specifically proud to announce that this new acoustic treatment technology eventually turned out to be 20% more efficient regarding its acoustic performance, meaning the reduction of the reverberation as well as the acoustic dampening towards the outside and inside. This of course is the essence of our portable soundproof booths now enhanced by more sustainable materials.

Maybe you are using your Studiobricks at home for voice or music recordings, or to have uninterrupted meetings in your co-working, maybe you have a meeting room in your office which has a lot of reverberation, or you want to optimize your own studio premises with our absorber elements – when using our new Eco Line you can be happy to do both, optimize the acoustic properties of your room, and contribute towards a more healthy planet at the very same time.

To learn more about the different products in our Eco line, read this article. And if you are interested in any of these products, use the form in the contact section. As we are in pre-launch we do not yet have an e-commerce site for these products, but soon you will be able to buy them directly from our website.

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