Testimonial – Dan Wright


Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?

I’m a voiceover with over a decade of experience, I’ve had most of my success in commercial voiceover, political voiceover, some explainer, radio imaging and promo.

What problem(s) did you face before getting your Studiobricks, What was life like?

My family and I recently moved to New Jersey, and we were shown a townhouse, a model of the town house that we moved into now, and what was going to be my work area was quiet as a mouse, but when we got to the actual house, you can hear the air conditioning. The second I came down, I panicked. And then… Well, I was gonna illustrate this later, but as you can see, I close the Studiobricks booth, and it is quiet as a mouse. Perfect acoustical environment, quiet, and I can provide broadcast quality audio from in here.

Where did you start your search?

I never had a booth before. I always acoustically treated environments myself, would kind of rig a small booth-like device for myself, and I was able to get by that way.  I’m familiar with Studiobricks‘ competitors, Studiobricks to me was the highest bar. Because of the smaller modular pieces, I believe there is much more potential to be able to customise your booth to what you need exactly. Wherein other booths are usually four or five pieces, you have the walls, the ceiling, the door, Studiobricks comes together in smaller pieces, and you can fit them as you need.

What made Studiobricks stand out from other options?

Well, in business, in my voiceover business, I try to always have my income outweigh my cost, and although Studiobricks is quite an investment, the value exceeds the cost. So in the situation I’m in now, instead of trying to keep cost down and find my own way, I decided to go with experts who could create an environment for me that I could work in and work effectively.

What surprised you the most or made you the happiest about buying your Studiobricks?

Well, I knew that it was a quiet environment, and I was surprised at how acoustically perfect it is in here, it’s a dead sound, but not too bassy. The auditions I’ve been sending out are better than any I’ve sent before, sound quality-wise, because of where I’m recording. And my most recent Ace Hardware spots were recorded in here, and the engineer commented how great it sounds, The producers were very happy.

But what surprised me the most was the gentleman Lou, who put together the booth for me. He invited me in to show me some of the features. I’m a big fellow, and to get in here, and for it to be so spacious for the both of us, and somehow inexplicably outside, it doesn’t take up a whole lot of space, so inside, you have lots of space, and outside it’s aesthetically pleasing and compact in its own way.

How do you use our product or service? What have you been able to achieve since using your Studiobricks?

It is relatively new for me, I’ve only had it the last few weeks or couple of weeks, but my wife is a vocalist, and I am happy and proud to be able to provide an environment for her wherein I can play a backing track on the computer outside and she can sing in here and really belt out notes and not be afraid of bothering neighbours or our children. It’s gonna be very nice for her.

Is there anything you would like to add or maybe share an exciting project you are working on?

Studiobricks, it is an investment that you will benefit from 10-fold for several reasons, the quality, the fact that it’s customisable, it’s easy to put together. The heaviest thing is the door, everything else comes in much smaller parts, and once you have it together, once you’re in there, you are gonna be happy beyond your wildest dreams. I’m currently the national voice of Ace Hardware, so any television spots or any radio spots that you see on TV or hear on the radio, they’re going to be voiced by me, and they’re gonna be recorded right in here in this Studiobricks booth.

In this short video, Voice Actor Dan Wright shares his experience of getting his Studiobricks after moving to a new home, and all the benefits it brings to his work and life.

Hit play and enjoy his story.

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