Are you tired of sleepless nights? Choose Studiobricks’ sleeping booths!

One of the most important activities in our daily lives is being able to sleep well, however, this rest is often affected by different factors such as stress, the constant use of electronic devices, the noisy environments we live in, and even medical conditions, which end causing sleep disorders that affect our health and performance. Therefore, it is important to find a way to promote spaces for rest and at Studiobricks we tell you how.

Why is it important to have restful sleep?

The main function of rest is to give the brain and the body time to recover from the activities carried out throughout the day. When you have a good night’s sleep, the next day your body can be in an optimal performance range, you can make better decisions, have better interactions with people, and even focus on new projects and fight diseases. But when you are not getting enough sleep, your body loses efficiency to the point of not being able to carry out simple activities effectively.

This is why, it is necessary to take a minimum of 7 or 8 hours of rest at night so that our body can recover, but what happens when we are not able to sleep?

What can affect your sleep?

There are different factors that can affect your sleep time, for us, there are three crucial ones:

  • The environment: many people are very sensitive to noise and what happens in their environment, so sounds, light, and even the weather can alter their sleep records and even cause them to suffer from insomnia.
  • Medical problems: the other reason why these problems may occur is linked to medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, or the abuse of both psychoactive and medicinal substances.
  • Discomfort: when we spend several nights without being able to sleep, the bed begins to cause anxiety, and fatigue, making it even more tedious and difficult to fall asleep, all due to the discomfort and stress caused by not sleeping well.


How can I have better nights of rest?

The best way to improve your rest time is to have a space where you feel comfortable and there are no interruptions. In other words, it is essential to have a place that provides the silence, temperature, light, tranquility, and comfort necessary to fall asleep immediately. If you are a person who suffers from insomnia, has serious difficulties sleeping, or want to be able to rest in an optimized space for restoration, the best thing you can do is adapt an area where you can avoid all distractions, or choose to buy a sound isolation booth that provides the best environment for your sleep.

At Studiobricks we design and create sound isolation booths for all kinds of uses, from music recordings to audiological treatments, fairs or simply to sleep.

Advantages of a sound isolation booth

In the market you can find many soundproof booths, however, with Studiobricks you will find the highest quality portable sound isolation booths since we design them according to your tastes and needs, so that you can get the most out of it. 

Advantages of buying a booth with Studiobricks:

  • Superior Sound Isolation – many brands promise sound isolation, however, our booths are designed to isolate any sound leaks, either from outside to inside or vice versa.
  • Portable: you can relocate easily without losing any isolation capabilities. Our patented system is designed for easy assembly and disassembling, in addition. 
  • Personalized: this feature sets us apart in the market, as we adapt our designs to your specific needs. Do you have trouble sleeping? We adapt them so that they are pleasant spaces for deeply restorative rest. 
  • Ecological materials: we believe in caring for the environment, therefore, our booths are designed with ecological materials that will last you for a long time and that also guarantee a safe space for your health.
  • Customer service: at Studiobricks we care about your well-being, therefore, we are at your disposal for any problem, doubt, or concern you may have after purchasing your booth.


Finally, caring about resting well will help you find a solution to your sleepless nights and we are here to help you find yours. It is time to recover those hours of sleep that you lost due to noise, environmental distractions, or other factors, contact us to receive custom advice. 


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